The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma” which means “living body.” Somatic Therapy is a holistic form of counseling that is grounded in the body/mind/soul relationship.
The specific modality of Somatic therapy I practice is Transformative Touch which I learned at The Somatic Therapy Center.
The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma” which means “living body.” Somatic Therapy is a holistic form of counseling that is grounded in the body/mind/soul relationship.
The specific modality of somatic therapy I practice is Transformative Touch.
Your Body tells a Story.
We live inside of this Story.
Your mind also tells a Story.
We speak this Story and believe it in our thoughts. Often, these Stories do not match - our minds have been disconnected from our Bodies.
A solely thought/mind life is a disembodied life. A disembodied life is a life that can not be fully Lived. God came in Body to bring us "life and life to the full." This Divine being lives in you, lives in your very Body.
Part of what I will do is help facilitate the growth of your own wild Myth. The one you were born into and are questing to live into even at this very moment.
The way to live into You is by learning the language of your Body; listening to this wise friend that knows the way to your healing.
I will help guide you in an experience of embodiment - something most have never learned to do. Through light touch, mirroring prosody and skilled dialogue we will listen and follow your body's voice.
The first part of the session is conducted sitting and talking, we go over what has been happening in your body and also what has been happening in your life to the extent that you would like to share. Then I will move you onto a massage table, fully clothed, laying on your back where I begin a series of light touches while simultaneously asking you questions and dialoguing with you about what is happening in your body.
I have no "goals" for our session. There is nothing I will attempt to diagnose, there is nowhere I'm trying to get to or uncover directly. I have no other intentions than to listen to you and create a space where you are able to hear yourself, perhaps in a new way, or for some, for the very first time.
Once you begin to learn the language of your specific body, (because all bodies speak in their unique ways) you will be able to communicate and listen to what is playing out in your life in a whole new way. Old themes that have kept you down and kept you back move through you, renewing and regenerating on levels previously unconscious.
"Somatic practices approach the body from a different angle, acknowledging the intrinsically subjective aspects of corporeal experience and viewing the individual, not as an object to be acted upon, but as an active agent."
-- Carol-Lynne Moore
Somatic awareness is rising in Western consciousness, we are understanding on new levels the connection and oneness not only of our individual bodies but of our collective humanity. Join the somatic revolution and let's change our world.